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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Canadian Journalism Foundation

CJF 15th Annual Awards Gala
#cjfgala @cjffjc

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The Canadian Journalism Foundation invites you to join legendary newsman Ted Koppel and Northern Canada muckraker Jack Sigvaldason in celebrating excellence at the 15th Annual Awards Gala on June 7 at The Fairmont Royal York in Toronto.CTV National News correspondent Seamus O'Regan will host.
Legendary ABC newsman Ted Koppel and CTV National News correspondent Seamus O'Regan will be among those celebrating excellence at the Gala.
Koppel, former ABC Nightline anchor, will present this year's CJF Honorary Tribute posthumously to Peter Jennings, Canadian-born anchor and senior editor of ABC's World News Tonight. The evening's award presenters also include Tom Clark and Sally Armstrong. O'Regan will be the host of the event.
The Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Jack Sigvaldason, publisher of Northern News Services, for a remarkable career building a network of newspapers in northern Canada.
Major media outlets supporting the event through table and ticket purchases include AOL Canada/The Huffington Post Canada, CBC News, CTV News, Rogers Communications, The Canadian Press, Thomson Reuters, the Toronto Star and the Winnipeg Free Press.
Also attending are executives from leading Canadian businesses and organizations, including Accenture, BMO Financial Group, Barrick Gold, CIBC, Hill + Knowlton Strategies, Ipsos Public Affairs, Labatt, Manulife Financial, Maple Leaf Foods, Medtronic of Canada, Ryerson University, Scotiabank, Sun Life Financial, TD Bank Group, Thomson Reuters, University of King's College and Waste Management.
Benefits of purchasing a table include the opportunity to host two journalists and this year, media guests include Adrienne Arsenault, Tony Burman, Tom Clark, Danielle Crittenden, Wilf Dinnick, Marcus Gee, Jian Ghomeshi, Shinan Govani, Melissa Grelo, Mathew Ingram, Amanda Lang, Heather Mallick, Peter Mansbridge, Wendy Mesley, Kevin Newman, Michelle Shephard, Lloyd Robertson, John Stackhouse, Anna Maria Tremonti and Paul Wells, among others.
The Canadian Journalism Foundation thanks the following organizations for their support: Accenture; BMO Financial Group; Barrick Gold; CIBC; Labatt; Medtronic of Canada; Thomson Reuters; and Waste Management Canada.
Thank you also to The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, CNW Group and CBC News for their in-kind support.

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Koppel, former ABC Nightline anchor, will present this year’s CJF Honorary Tribute posthumously to Peter Jennings, Canadian-born anchor and senior editor of ABC’s World News Tonight. The evening's award presenters also include Tom Clark and Sally Armstrong.
Sigvaldason, publisher of Northern News Services, is the recipient of this year's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Major media outlets supporting the event through table and ticket purchases include AOL Canada/The Huffington Post Canada, CBC News, CTV News, Rogers Communications, The Canadian Press, Thomson Reuters, the Toronto Star and the Winnipeg Free Press.
Also attending are executives from leading Canadian businesses and organizations, including Barrick Gold, Hill + Knowlton Strategies, Ipsos Public Affairs, Manulife Financial, Maple Leaf Foods, Scotiabank, Sun Life Financial, TD Bank Group, University of King's College and Ryerson University.
Sponsorship benefits include the opportunity to host two journalists at a table and this year, media guests include Adrienne Arsenault, Tom Clark, Jian Ghomeshi, Shinan Govani, Amanda Lang, Peter Mansbridge, Kevin Newman, among others.
call Josh Gurfinkel at

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